In the following sequence of screens, clicking anywhere on one of the "June 1990" displays (each of which is a screenshot from the original HyperCard document) will take you to the next screen. The Down arrow below each display also takes you to the next, and the Up to the previous display.

This is only a demo: It is totally static and reproducible, since each display is actually a screenshot GIF. In the original, the displays were dynamically created, and the viewer was given options about how fast the screen should be changed; one of which was "only on mouseclick" which is essentially what we have here. (In the original, this option also enabled you to click on the statement and see its source and some supporting data.)

The default presentation was of six screens, followed by a "Continue?" dialog box. There was a mechanism that prevented the display of the same information twice until, I think, two-thirds of them had been displayed; since I only made a very small database, on the second go-round you might see the same sentence again, but the chance of it being coupled with the same adjoining pair was miniscule. Naturally, enough basic data would essentially eliminate the possibility of repeats.



 Screen 01

Top of PageBottom of Page

 Screen 02

Top of PageBottom of Page

 Screen 03

Top of PageBottom of Page

 Screen 04

Top of PageBottom of Page

 Screen 05

Top of PageBottom of Page

 Screen 06

Top of PageBottom of Page

 Screen 07

Top of PageBottom of Page









th-th-thassall, folks!




